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WELCOME TO JUNE! We hope that you’re staying safe in this time of chaos and uncertainty. The great artist Sam Cook sang “A CHANGE IS GONNA COME” in 1964. Change comes in fits and starts. My hope is that this is a  Great Leap Forward and a social awakening. As I write, so many people are protesting racial inequality all over the world. Instagram and all social media are being used to support “BLACK LIVES MATTER” and I couldn’t be happier. As a Black man and one of the very few Black stylist in this city, I can truly say that it’s about time people are called to action. There are too few of us, and our voices and unique perspectives are desperately needed. As the movement moves forward and raises much needed awareness, my hope is that opportunities expand and doors are opened that were previously closed. “BLACK LIVES MATTER” but so do Black careers. As a black stylist in this industry, I’ve had my share of racist comments shrouded as funny innuendos. I’ve never thought it was funny and I’ve always accepted the fact that I would work less because of it . If you’re a young future stylist reading this blog in your bedroom imagining the future, know that this blog works to ensure that color doesn’t hold you back.                       @linowilson wears @Yohjiyamamotoofficial military jacket, courtesy of @georgegreenechg.                                                                                                       “TELL THEM I SENT YOU”

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